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Top left: A green box is pressing a switch. Qbby is about to activate the platforms to the right of him using the cyan boxes on a second switch.

Switches can be used to activate different mechanisms in levels. Often, they open doors or activate platforms only when they are being pressed, although some puzzles have them remain on even after they are no longer being pressed. In these cases, the switch will vanish after Qbby touches it.

Alternatively, switches can appear as blocks (labelled with + and -) that must be connected by boxes in order to open doors. They can either be toggled on or off dependant on whether or not they are being connected with blocks, or be permamently toggled after being connected once. In the latter occurence, one of the switches will change to be black after the mechanism is switched on. One-time switch blocks can be identified by the fact they flicker white to light grey idly.