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Costumes (and in the case of BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL!, accessories) can be equipped from the Shop in all mainline games in the BOXBOY! series.
Costumes in BOXBOY!
The Bunny, Wizard, and Ninja all have special abilities, with the Bunny an extra jump, Wizard an extra box, and Ninja faster run speeds.
Costumes in BOXBOXBOY!
- Masked Crusader
- Young Lad
- Cat
- Vampire
- Maid
- Robo-Suit
- Queen
- Legendary Queen
- All previously-unlocked costumes from BOXBOY!
The returning costumes Bunny, Wizard, and Ninja retain their special abilities.
Costumes in BYE-BYE BOXBOY!
Standard Costumes
- Blush
- Eyebrows
- Glasses
- 7:3 Split
- Squid
- Pirate
- Puffer Fish
- Chef
- Detective
- Witch
- Zombie
- Box-san
- Box Princess
- All previously-unlocked costumes from BOXBOY! and BOXBOXBOY!
Special Costumes
The returning costumes Bunny, Wizard, and Ninja retain their special abilities. Additionally, when using the Qucy costume, the player can use infinite boxes whilst still being able to collect that level's crown, and the player can get infinite level hints without having to spend Play Coins.
Amiibo Costumes
The Kirby series costumes can only be unlocked by scanning their respective amiibo, and the Qucy costume can be unlocked by scanning the Qbby amiibo. The Qucy costume can also be unlocked by having save data on your Nintendo 3DS system for BOXBOY! and BOXBOXBOY!, or by getting a perfect score in every World in BYE-BYE BOXBOY!.
Costumes in BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL!
Rather than costumes, BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL! contains accessories that can be equipped in four slots: Head, Eyes, Mouth, and Body. If certain combinations of accessories are equipped, a special title is displayed below your player in the accessory editor menu.
- Whatever the name of the currently-equipped accessory is
- Fancy Costume
- Extravagant Costume
- Part Time UFO
- Miracle Boy
- In BOXBOY!, the King costume can be unlocked by completing every world, and the Legendary King by collecting every crown. In BOXBOXBOY!, the Queen and Legendary Queen costumes are unlocked the same way. In BYE-BYE BOXBOY!, the Box-San and Box Princess costumes are also unlocked in the same way. In BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL!, the King set and Fragment of Courage is unlocked by collecting every crown and box medal in A Tale for One, the Queen set and Fragments of Affection and Bonds in A Tale for Two and the Box-san set and Fragment of Wishes in A Tall Tale.
- In both BOXBOXBOY! and BYE-BYE BOXBOY!, costumes from previous installments can be accessed if they were unlocked on a save file in their original games.