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Revision as of 08:47, 7 April 2023 by Kiwi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Uniqlo x Hakoboy!''' is a free mobile advergame released in Japan in 2017, meant to promote a BOXBOY!-themed promotion between HAL Laboratory and Japanese clothing company Uniqlo. ==Gameplay== Instead of being able to both move Qbby around and create boxes, the game moves Qbby while the player makes boxes, which are then automatically thrown on the ground. Players tap on the screen and swipe in the direction they wish to create a box...")
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Uniqlo x Hakoboy! is a free mobile advergame released in Japan in 2017, meant to promote a BOXBOY!-themed promotion between HAL Laboratory and Japanese clothing company Uniqlo.


Instead of being able to both move Qbby around and create boxes, the game moves Qbby while the player makes boxes, which are then automatically thrown on the ground. Players tap on the screen and swipe in the direction they wish to create a box in. In some cases, Qbby's boxes will have the Uniqlo logo printed on them instead of the regular gray color. The level ends when the game moves Qbby toward the goal door. In the US version of the game, nine new levels are playable every day which rotate throughout the week; three are easy, three medium, and three hard. These levels are chosen based on which difficulty the player picks. In the Japanese version of the game, however, one out of two levels are randomly picked every day. The Japanese version also only allows you to play two levels a day. Upon playing through the game enough in the Japanese version, the player receives a coupon for Uniqlo products, and shows some art of Qbby.


Uniqlo x Hakoboy! is no longer playable in the US, however it can still be played in the Japanese version of the Uniqlo app from the "Fun Stuff" option in the "Membership" tab. A Uniqlo account is required to play the game. Changing the app's language to Japanese in the US version of the Uniqlo app also makes the game available.


  • This is the only BOXBOY! game released on a mobile phone.