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BOXBOY! (game)

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Warning: Game spoilers ahead!
This article contains spoilers related to crucial parts of the BOXBOY! series' plot. If you do not want to have the series' plot spoiled for you, you should come back to this article after having played the games.
Bb cover.jpg
Game Information
JP ハコボーイ! (Hako Bōi!)
Developer(s) HAL Laboratory
Publisher(s) Nintendo
Release JP: January 14, 2015
WW: April 2, 2015
MSRP $4.99
Platform(s) Nintendo 3DS
Mode(s) Single-player
Genre Puzzle-platform

BOXBOY! is a 2D platforming puzzle game developed by HAL Laboratory and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo 3DS. It was released on the Nintendo eShop on April 2, 2015.


The player plays as Qbby, a square-shaped cube that can create boxes. As players progress, new non-player characters appear in the game: Qucy and Qudy. However, at certain points they will not follow Qbby around (such as Qudy sacrificing himself to use the world's first drill).

Main article: Characters


<tabber> |-|English (US)= Think outside the box to save a world in peril! Traverse tricky landscapes by creating boxes to help Qbby navigate more than 20 puzzling worlds. Just watch out—tons of obstacles stand in your way, so fortify yourself with a Shielding Afro or other boxy defenses. Then beat some more stages to earn sweet square costumes, like a superhero outfit!

After snaking your way through a plethora of levels, try taking on some challenges. Time attack will have you puzzle-solving your way through an assortment of levels as quickly as possible, giving you the chance to test your skills at creating box-shaped defenses. If that's not enough, Score Attack has you collecting as many tokens as possible within the time limit while using boxes to lift yourself up and maneuver around a huge stage. All the world's a puzzle and you're the only box boy boxy enough to save it! |-|English (UK)= Think outside of the box and solve puzzles aplenty in BOXBOY!, available exclusively from Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS family systems! In this 2D puzzle-platformer, use boxes to overcome obstacles and reach the goal at the end of each stage.

Meet Qbby. Qbby's a square character who can't jump very far or very high, but he does have one very special ability – he can create boxes out of thin air. Not only that, but he can generate multiple boxes at once and arrange them in different ways: in straight lines, in a step-like formation, you name it! Created shapes can be placed down or thrown to wherever they're needed. With this skill on his side, no situation can box Qbby in!

The number of boxes that Qbby can create at once changes depending on the stage, so be wary of your limits! Get creative with shapes to beat every stage – and with over 150 stages, you'll really need to box clever! You could build some steps to climb to new heights, string a bridge together to cross a chasm, hook onto things or activate contraptions. If you're walking into a dangerous situation, use your talent to form a shield and slip through safely.

If you're a brainbox, you can pick up a crown in each stage – they'll disappear once you use a set number of boxes, so efficiency is key! Good performances also earn you medals, which can be traded for goodies, such as costumes that can improve your abilities or extra challenges. If you're not happy with an attempt, use the instant reset function and start the stage again, or if you're really stuck, you can use Play Coins to get a hint on how to proceed! |-|Japanese= ハコを出すことができる主人公「キュービィ」を操作し、ハコを使って段差や穴、仕掛けなどのさまざまな障害を乗り越えて進んでいく、パズルアクションゲームです。まっすぐ積み上げたり、階段状に出したり、フックのように引っかけたり。ハコをどんな形で出して、どう使うかという、ひらめきが試される150以上のステージを収録しています。 </tabber>


The Box Planet has been covered with black smoke from a meteor crashing onto it. Qbby sets out to restore the planet, and meets Qucy around the end of World 2.

Qbby and Qucy then notice the vast amounts of new doors, a projector-like object, and a drill of some kind. Around World 4, Qbby meets Qudy. Once they make it to the projector, it shows them the meteor crashing on to the planet. They then make it to the drill, and Qudy decides to sacrifice himself to help Qucy and Qbby get to the rest of the world. The world starts tilting, and they manage to make it. They then end up sacrificing themselves to save the planet, which starts to turn green.



Move D-pad Jump B
Duck Down (on D-pad) Create Y + D-pad
Throw (while holding box) Y Set Down (while holding box) Y
Erase Box X Up Hook Y (after connecting boxes to an object)

See: Abilities


In 2016, a second game for the series, BOXBOXBOY! was released. This game allows Qbby to make two sets of boxes.

A third game, titled BYE-BYE BOXBOY! was released in 2017. This title returns to the only-one-set-of-boxes rule, but there are some new power-ups too. The player also needs to escort the Qbabies, small box children, to the goal door.

A fourth game, titled BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL! was released in 2019. This title includes some new mechanics, mainly the 2-player co-op mode.




Games in the BOXBOY! Series

BOXBOY! trilogy

Non-trilogy Mainline Games

BOXBOY! DemoBOXBOY! Series Demo VersionBOXBOY! + BOXGIRL! Demo

Uniqlo x Hakoboy!Hakoboy! Stuffed BoxBOXBOY! + BOXGIRL! Jigsaw Jumble