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The BOXBOY! series contains multiple 4-koma style tie-in comics, which are either available online or in-game. In BOXBOY!, comics were not available in-game, and were instead available as tie-in comics provided at Nintendo's websites for BOXBOY!, such as boxboy.nintendo.com. Beginning with BOXBOXBOY!, comics were added to the Shop.

Online comics released for BOXBOY!

Tip.png Currently missing BOXBOY! comics
The original full English translations of the comics "The Awakening", "Out of Proportion", "A Legend is Born", "Danger!" and "Box House" were previously only available on boxboy.nintendo.com/extras. Since their removal in 2019, four of these five comics, being "The Awakening", "A Legend is Born", "Danger!" and "Box House", have resurfaced. Assuming "Out of Proportion" cannot be found in its original form, it is likely lost media. For this reason, this missing comic has been substituted with its Japanese counterpart. If you have any screenshots or archives of this comic for personal use, you are highly encouraged to share it with the BOXBOY! community for archival purposes and to help the BOXBOY WIKI! complete its library of comics.

The BOXBOY WIKI! would like to thank the following individuals for locating the previously missing comics:
  • Audaaa and several others for finding The Awakening
  • TheBrawlGirl for finding "A Legend is Born" and "Box House"
  • Thermospore for finding "Danger!"

Online comics released for BOXBOXBOY

Online comics released for BYE-BYE BOXBOY!


  • The "No Suprise Here" comic is the only localized comic to be available both online and in-game.
  • The above online comics were available for viewing on Play Nintendo, or they were available at boxboy.nintendo.com/extras.