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Revision as of 18:42, 14 January 2025 by SuperHamster (talk | contribs) (Creating)
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 * Inserts thank links (Extension:Thanks) on recent changes and watchlist pages.
 * Created by SuperHamster on Nookipedia (https://nookipedia.com/wiki/User:SuperHamster)
 * Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/)

function confirmThank(revid) {
	document.getElementById("rc-thank-" + revid).style.display = "none";
	document.getElementById("rc-thank-confirm-" + revid).style.display = "inline";
	document.getElementById("rc-thank-cancel-" + revid).style.display = "inline";

function cancelThank(revid) {
	document.getElementById("rc-thank-" + revid).style.display = "inline";
	document.getElementById("rc-thank-confirm-" + revid).style.display = "none";
	document.getElementById("rc-thank-cancel-" + revid).style.display = "none";

function sendThank(revid) {
	document.getElementById("rc-thank-confirm-" + revid).style.display = "none";
	document.getElementById("rc-thank-cancel-" + revid).style.display = "none";
	var thankSpan = document.getElementById("rc-thank-span-" + revid);
	thankSpan.innerHTML = "\u00A0[thanking...]";
	new mw.Api().postWithToken( 'csrf', {
	 	action: "thank",
		rev: revid
	}).done(function(response) {
		if (response.result.success == 1) {
			thankSpan.innerHTML = "\u00A0[thanked]";
		} else {
			thankSpan.innerHTML = "\u00A0[thank failed]";
	 	console.log("Thank sent for revision ID " + revid);

if (mw.config.get("wgPageName") === "Special:RecentChanges" || mw.config.get("wgPageName") === "Special:Watchlist") {
	// Grab page content to narrow down queried body:
	var content = document.getElementById("mw-content-text");

	// Select elements containing edits from registered users:
	var edits = content.querySelectorAll(".mw-changeslist-user-registered[data-mw-revid]");

	// Loop through edits:
	for (var i = 0; i < edits.length; i++) (function(i) {
		// Extract revid:
	    var revid = edits[i].getAttribute("data-mw-revid");

	    // Grab inner td element that contains edit details:
	    var edit = edits[i].querySelectorAll("td.mw-enhanced-rc-nested, td.mw-changeslist-line-inner")[0];

	    // Check if edit is from self and ignore if so:
	    if (edit.getElementsByClassName("mw-userlink")[0].title.substring(5) !== mw.user.getName()) {
		    // Create thank HTML elements:
		    var thankLink = document.createElement("a");
		    thankLink.className = "mw-thanks-thank-link";
		    thankLink.id = "rc-thank-" + revid;
		    thankLink.href = "#0";
		    thankLink.title = "Send a thank you notification to this user";
		    thankLink.innerHTML = "thank";
			thankLink.onclick = function() {

			var confirmThankLink = document.createElement("a");
			confirmThankLink.id = "rc-thank-confirm-" + revid;
			confirmThankLink.href = "#0";
			confirmThankLink.style.display = "none";
			confirmThankLink.title = "Confirm to send thank you notification to this user";
			confirmThankLink.innerHTML = "confirm";
			confirmThankLink.onclick = function() {
			var cancelThankLink = document.createElement("a");
			cancelThankLink.id = "rc-thank-cancel-" + revid;
			cancelThankLink.href = "#0";
			cancelThankLink.style.display = "none";
			cancelThankLink.style.marginLeft = "1ex";
			cancelThankLink.title = "Cancel sending thank you notification to this user";
			cancelThankLink.innerHTML = "cancel";
			cancelThankLink.onclick = function() {

			var thankSpan = document.createElement("span");
			thankSpan.id = "rc-thank-span-" + revid;
			// Append thanks to edit