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Hakoboy! Stuffed Box

Revision as of 22:22, 26 September 2022 by Audaaa (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Hakoboy! Stuffed Box''' (JP: ハコボーイ! ハコづめBOX) is a set including physical versions of the first three games (''BOXBOY!'', ''BOXBOXBOY!'', and ''BYE-BYE BOXBOY!''), a Qbby amiibo, and a CD containing the soundtracks from the games included.")
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Hakoboy! Stuffed Box (JP: ハコボーイ! ハコづめBOX) is a set including physical versions of the first three games (BOXBOY!, BOXBOXBOY!, and BYE-BYE BOXBOY!), a Qbby amiibo, and a CD containing the soundtracks from the games included.