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A series of accessories from BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL!

Accessories are eqippable outfits in BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL! which can be bought by spending 30Medals in the Dress-up Box. All accessories give only visual changes to the player (barring Miracle Boy). Replacing costumes from previous entries in the series, accessories are equipped in separate slots (head, eyes, mouth, body), allowing players to mix and match.


Accessory Description
Mohawk Rawk on!
Thinning Hair Exudes experience and grumpiness
Stripy Hat Neat and discreet
Top Hat Rabbit not included
Deerstalker By Jove, I've got it!
Bolt Screw it in carefully!
Bunny Ears Do they make you want to hop?
Antenna The reception is really bad...
Pirate Hat Headwear for corsairs
Devil Horns For mischief lovers!
Plaited Pigtails Demurely braided
Ponytail Never goes out of style
Fragment of Courage It looks like it's one of several fragments...


Accessory Description
Swirly Glasses Enough to make your head spin!
Eye Patch Gives an aura of danger
Closed Eyes Some mornings are too hard...
Night Owl So ready for bed...
VR Headset What wonders will it show you?
Blank Crouch to pose as a box
Unibrow Weirdly adorable!
Glasses For would-be intellectuals
Sunglasses You got this, cool cat!
Fragment of Bonds Gather these fragments and a miracle will occur


Accessory Description
Tongue For insatiable gourmets
Bubblegum Grape flavored!
Lipstick Mature and stylish
Beard Full of wisdom
Pacifier Takes years off your age
Buckteeth Stand out from the crowd
Bunny Nose Makes carrots taste great
Big Nose For your incognito needs
White Mustache Luxurious and dignified
Cat Whiskers Need regular grooming
Fragment of Affection Only a brave young lad can trigger the miracle


Accessory Description
Loincloth Brims with power!
Stripes A perfect fit
Warming Wrap You don't want to get cold!
Wooly Scarf The final word on winter fashion
Sailor Suit Cute and functional
Overalls Ready to get your hands dirty?
Neckerchief Effortlessly stylish
Rosy Cheeks A charming blush
Tentacles Extremely flexible appendages
Fluffy Tail One touch will melt anyone's heart
Rocket Thrusters Some assembly required
Cape Faster than a speeding box!
Patches For good boys
Coat Stylish yet practical!
Fragment of Wishes With a desire to borrow someone's power...

Known Combinations

Title Accessory 1 Accessory 2 Accessory 3
Queen Dress Regal Headdress
Squid Tentacles Squid Hat
Bunny Fluffy Tail Bunny Ears Bunny Nose
UFO Rocket Thrusters Antenna
Part time UFO Rocket Thrusters Antenna Doe Eyes
Wizard White Mustache White Hair
Detective Coat Deerstalker
Box Princess Kimono Tiara
Vampire Tuxedo Top Hat
Greaser Pompadour Sunglasses
Box-san Hakama Topknot
Demon Devil Tail Devil Horns
Convict Stripes Stripy Hat
Sleepyhead Warming Wrap Woolly Hat Eye Mask
Winter Walker Woolly Scarf Woolly Hat
Tyke Backwards Cap Bubblegum
Young Lad Overalls Baseball Cap
Puffer Fish Fish Duck Lips
Pirate Pirate Hat Eye Patch
Superhero Cape Masked Crusader
Chef Neckerchief Chef's Hat
Oddball Swirly Glasses Big Nose
Cat Cat Ears Cat Whiskers
King Golden Cloak Crown Blond Mustache
Maid Apron Plaited Pigtails
Baron Top Hat Curly Mustache